Friday, February 26, 2010

My Reversion

Yes, I suppose you could say that I'm a Catholic convert and revert. I never left the Church, but Spiritually I had fallen away. I was in a sort of "Dark Night of the Soul" that left me searching for if God really wanted me to start moving toward another denomination.

My heart was slowing breaking, and I hardly ever felt that peace that I had been so blessed to experience before. Some of the theology started to sound like clanking cymbals in my ears, and I felt as if I no longer had that childlike faith, and assurance. I suddenly felt that I didn't know what church the Lord was directing me to, and the weight of it all but crushed me.

After bearing with this for over a year, the Lord has given me my answer, and my miracle. No it wasn't anything out of the ordinary, at least not to the common on-looker's eye. It was however a miracle none-the-less.

There has been some stressful situations going on in my family (that are thankfully resolving), and because of that we missed mass one week at our church, and one week we missed altogether. A couple of weeks ago was our first time back in two weeks, and as I came through the doors and sat down I felt the peace that Christ was welcoming me back home. It was as if I was experiencing fresh air for the very first time in my life. All of the clanking cymbals slowly started to fade away in the distance, as I drew nearer to Him.

I'm not sure why this all happened, but maybe just maybe it was for me to realize just how blessed I am to be in the Church.
My soul feels at rest, and I am drinking in as fast as I can to quench this thirst, which prayerfully will never leave.

I came across this verse in my prayer book the other night that consequently almost made my heart stop beating.

"Return to me with your whole heart..." - Joel 2:12

And I intend to do just that!

In His Holy Name,

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Hello, and welcome to my little blog! I'm starting this so I can share about my daily walk in the beyond words, amazingly beautiful, Catholic Church! The Lord brought two of my sisters home to the Church in 2005, my mom in 2006, me in 2007, and my dad in 2008. Needless to say we're blessed! I won't lie and say that since I came in that I've been consistently on "fire", but the Lord has made me see that He has given me everything, and I'm so incredibly grateful now for the Church. I feel like I did when I was a fresh convert. How can I ever thank Him enough?

Anyway, I just want this to be for daily musings of my life as a Catholic young lady, who is content in her parents home, trying to be patient with waiting for the vocation of marriage, while trying to follow the "Little Way". (That's for another post, though.)

In His Holy Name,