Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Vocation of Marriage

Since I'm sharing basic things about myself in these "baby" days of my blog, I suppose I should
share with all of you a bit about my vocation.

I am almost sure that the Lord is calling me to the vocation of marriage, and I thank Him for giving me this calling!

Now, don't get me wrong the religious life is beautiful. Both are sacraments, and pleasing to God. I've actually thought at times that the religious life was what the Lord was calling me to, and how wonderful it would be to have such a calling! How beautiful to devote the rest of my life entirely to my Jesus!

But as much of a blessing as that sounds, I know deep down in my heart that He's calling me to the amazing vocation of marriage. My family will vouch for me when I say that my face lights up when I mention the idea of getting married and having babies. It just makes me so happy and content to ponder on.

How wonderful is the life of a wife and mother. To love and serve a husband all the days of your life, and to love and raise your children together as a married couple.
It's just simply priceless. There's a reason why it's a sacrament. And the Lord is revealing this to
me more and more the older I get. For this I am eternally thankful!

For now I'm waiting on His timing. While I'm not always content, I do try to remain thankful for this time now in my life. And it really is a beautiful time of growing in love with my Creator.

I think we should all strive to show God how grateful we are for our vocations, and how He brings us closer to Him through them.

I do have much more to speak of regarding this topic, so stay tuned!

I think this is a very good time for me, and any of you who would like, to study and contemplate the life of St. Gianna Beretta Molla, an amazing wife and mother, who followed God with all her heart.

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